At Pearl Street Brewery
Singles Shakespeare Social at 6pm ($10 ticketed event)
General Admission Doors Open at 6:30pm | Show Starts at 7pm

No Cover Charge For The Show!

We believe Shakespeare is for everyone! In Julius Caesar, jealous conspirators convince Caesar's friend Brutus to join their assassination plot against Caesar. To stop Caesar from gaining too much power, Brutus and the conspirators kill him on the Ides of March.

Come and find out what happens when a group of dedicated actors perform one of Shakespeare's tragedies as it was meant to be played: by actors, for the rowdy patrons on the ground.

Your part? Drink and enjoy!


Singles Shakespeare Social at 6pm

$10 includes your first beverage*, VIP seating, and exclusive behind-the-scenes viewing of the staging of Julius Caesar including fight call! Tickets will be available when a new date has been set.

Note that parking is available directly outside the front door on the gravel lot along the row of trees or on the street if the lot is full. There is NO PARKING on the black-topped parking lots. The owners of the apartment building will tow vehicles. Or you can play your part as an unruly drunk and plan on taking Uber or Lyft!

 Ides of March Cast List

Sara Adams [ Portia ]
Chuck Charbeneau [ Antony ]

David Cochran [ Fourth Citizen, Servant to Octavius ]

Tess Douty [ Trebonius ]

Morgan Gates [ Cassius ]

Dawn Havican [ Soothsayer ]

Jake Kaiser [ First Citizen ]

Josh Kaiser [ Second Citizen ]

Corrine Kessler [ Lepidus, Third Citizen, Servant ]

Kaitlyn Lance [ Cinna ]

Barry McKnight [ Caesar ]

Ron Mickkle [ Calpurnia ]

Gabe Ross [ Favius ]

Devin Simko [ Decius Brutus ]

Kara Sommerfeldt [ Metellus ]

Matt Springer [ Brutus ]

Kyle Tanis [ Lucius ]

Lex Violette [ Octavius ]

Sam White [ Casca ]


Shakespeare from the Ground‎ Postpones The Ides of March: Julius Caesar


12th Night for 12th Night